Sharp MFPs were designed with true user-friendliness in mind. Many models offer a wide, clear touchscreen LCD, a retractable keyboard, and universal design features that ensure accessibility by all users.
Sharp’s industry-leading security solutions employ multiple levels of security functions—both standard equipped and optional—covering a broad range of network and data security needs.
Seamless integration into office networks, simple configuration, and several options for easy remote control make machine administration easy.
Designed to facilitate document distribution, Sharp’s workflow and document management applications enable companies to efficiently organise and manage the flow of information, both internally and externally.
(Open Systems Architecture) Sharp OSA is a development platform that allows third-party software developers to customise Sharp MFPs for integration with critical network applications.
Sharp MFPs offer a wide spectrum of expandability, not just with their own optional hardware and software but also via Web browsers and external devices.
Energy-saving technologies incorporated into the design, resource-saving production processes, and outstanding environmental performance make Sharp MFPs the epitome of eco-friendliness.